York University Professor Emeritus David L. Wiesenthal was recently recognized with the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Lifetime Achievement Award for his traffic psychology research, promotion of road safety and service to the organization.

Professor Emeritus David L. Wiesenthal receiving the CARSP Lifetime Achievement Award
Wiesenthal’s 46-year career began in 1970 as a postdoctoral fellow and special lecturer at York University, and continued until 2016 when he retired as professor emeritus and senior scholar.
The CARSP Lifetime Achievement Award for Road Safety is presented annually to individuals who have made a positive impact on road safety in Canada. Candidates have had a career in the field, and have made contributions to CARSP professionals.
Wiesenthal served on a wide variety of committees within York University. His research addressed a number of social issues relevant to applied psychology, including blood donation, vandalism, scientific racism and violence in sport; however, his most prolific research was in the area of road safety, particularly in the areas of driver stress and aggression, driver distraction and street racing.
His published work includes more than 60 journal articles and 18 book chapters, and more than 160 workshops and conference presentations.
He has contributed greatly to the next generation of road safety advocates and served on the CARSP Board of Directors between 2009 and 2015.