First-year students at York University's Osgoode Hall Law School were named third-place winners in the Canadian Client Consultation Competition held Feb. 24 and 25.
Students Anna Morrish and Andrea McPhedron came away with third overall when they travelled to the University of Alberta in Edmonton to compete.

Pictured, from left, are Michael McNeely, Anna Morrish, Chief Justice Mary Moreau of the Alberta Court of Queens Bench (who was the keynote speaker at the banquet), Andrea McPhedran and Adam LaChance
The competition is designed to replicate a law office consultation and presents a client matter to two law students, who act as lawyers. Students conduct an interview with the "client", and are expected to determine the relevant information from the client, explain the laws that are relevant and present the client with their legal options.
The client interview is followed up with a post-consultation period, when students analyze the interview and discuss next steps.
Specific criteria are used to evaluate students in the competition, and include the use of listening, questioning, planning, and analytical interview skills.
A second Osgoode team, Michael McNeely and Adam LaChace, also participated in the competition.
Osgoode students were joined by student mentors Joanne Raymond and Ben Fulton.