Excellence in teaching at York University continues to be recognized in the Faculty of Health, with a prominent award presented to Assistant Professor Loriann Hynes.

Loriann Hynes
On June 1, Hynes was named winner of the Distinguished Athletic Therapy Educator Award presented by the Canadian Athletic Therapists Assocation (CATA) at its national conference. Hynes is a kinesiology and health science assistant professor and Athletic Therapy Certificate program director at York University.
The award is presented to a CATA member in recognition of truly distinguished contributions to athletic therapy. Nominees for this category should be exemplary educators in the athletic therapy realm. Involved not only in "traditional" forums and teaching settings, the candidate should have demonstrated leadership in community, in national and international education, involvement in original research publication and/or innovative teaching delivery or curriculum development.
"I am truly honoured to be presented with this award," said Hynes. "I am so fortunate to be able to love what I do, combining my passion for being an athletic therapist with teaching. Now that I am at York and also able to conduct research related to my profession makes it the perfect job."
According to CATA, Hynes was selected for the award based on: improvements she made to the York University Athletic Therapy program by incorporating a competency-based learning and reflection model; her experience as an in-class educator and program coodinator; her contribution to the concussion research project at UNC at Chapel Hill; and her published work on concussions being recognized at the national and international levels.
“The School of Kinesiology and Health Science is delighted that Dr. Hynes’ commitment to student experiential learning is being recognized nationally by CATA," said Angelo Belcastro, Chair of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. "This achievement, not only validates the quality of Loriann’s teaching, but also exemplifies her dedication as a mentor in supporting student success.”
In one of her reference letters, Michael Boni, assistant lecturer in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science, said, "Her ability to engage staff and students for a common goal of improving the quality of education is one of her strengths as an educator."
CATA also noted that it is a requirement to have three references to be eligible for this award, and Hynes had seven.
"We believed that spoke for itself in regards to the deservingness of this award," said CATA.
Hynes joined the faculty of York University in 2015 with more than 18 years as a practising athletic therapist and 15 years of teaching at Sheridan College.
Hynes earned her undergraduate degree at McMaster University, followed by a master’s and PhD at the University of Guelph.
This is the second consecutive year that a York University faculty member has won this award. In 2017, the Distinguished Athletic Therapy Educator Award went to Gus Kandilas, a professor in the Faculty of Health and coordinator of the Athletic Therapy Certificate program.
In 2017, CATA also recognized longtime York University Lions Head Athletic Therapist Cindy Hughes, who was inducted into the CATA Hall of Fame. Hughes retired from York University in May 2017.