York University is committed to fostering the engagement of its employees and recognizing the excellence of the contributions staff make to the University community. As in previous years, a number of nominations were put forward for each award and after careful deliberation by selection committees, York President & Vice-Chancellor Rhonda L. Lenton is pleased to acknowledge the recipients and nominees of the 2018 President’s Staff Recognition Awards.
“From finding new and innovative academic and experiential learning opportunities for our students to ensuring that all community members have a clean and safe space to learn, teach and conduct research, staff at York make an essential contribution to advancing our mission and values,” said Lenton. “The Staff Recognition Awards allow us to celebrate the impact staff have on our community and to express our gratitude for their ongoing dedication.”
The winners will be honoured, and their achievements celebrated, at an awards dinner on June 5.
The awards, recipients and nominees are as follows:
The Ronald Kent Medal

Jenny Pitt-Clark
Jenny Pitt-Clark, communications coordinator, YFile editor, Strategic Communications, Communications & Public Affairs.
The medal recognizes the contributions of employees who promote and strengthen the collegiality, values and goals of York University.
Also nominated for this award:
Lily Piccone, strategic enrolment and communications officer, Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES);
Ruth Milton, graduate program assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering;
Regina Pinto, administrative assistant, Department of Economics, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS);
Emma Posca, graduate program assistant, Department of Philosophy, LA&PS;
Abbey Black, donor relations officer, Principal Giving, Donor Relations & Development Communications, Advancement;
Rajendranath Maharajh, duplicating and facilities clerk, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health;
Carolyn Sebastian, undergraduate program coordinator, School of Administrative Studies, LA&PS.
The Deborah Hobson York Citizenship Award
Maureen Barnes, director, Student Accessibility Services, Student Accessibility Services (SAS).
This award recognizes employees who have demonstrated a high level of service to students and who promote York’s spirit in terms of creativity, innovation and redefining the possible in service to the university community.
Also nominated for this award:
Joseph Cesario, recruitment and job search coordinator, YU Experience Hub;
Raya Gal, simulation manager, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health;
Mavis Griffin, undergraduate program assistant, Department of Equity Studies, LA&PS.
The President’s Leadership Award

Cameron Rogers
Cameron Rogers, director, Budgets and Planning, Office of Budgets and Planning, Finance.
The President’s Leadership Award recognizes contributions that go beyond the published requirements of a position, performance levels that foster a high level of professionalism and usually extend beyond an individual department into the University community at large.
Also nominated for this award:
Margaret Hough, director, Research and Partnerships, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science;
Brad Sheeller, manager, Safety and Technical Services, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science;
Ron Mitchell, manager, Academic Resource Planning, Office of the Dean, School of the Arts, Media Performance & Design (AMPD);
Pamela Edgecombe, director, Strategic Policy & Planning, Office of the Dean, Lassonde School of Engineering;
Victoria Watkins, assistant dean & executive director, Osgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School;
Elizabeth Alexander, operations manager, LA&PS;
Catherine Salole, senior director, Student Success & Retention, Office of the Associate Dean, Students, LA&PS;
Laura Crane, director, Academic Affairs and Operations, Faculty of Education.
The President’s Voice of York Award

Patricia Gagliardi-Ursua
Patricia Gagliardi-Ursua, executive assistant, Ancillary Services.
The Voice of York Award is given to an individual who is a first-line-of-contact person at York University. The most important voice of York is the one who makes the first contact with a visitor or a community member. Compassion and professionalism, particularly in handling difficult or sensitive situations, is essential to our work at York University.
Also nominated for this award:
Josiane Kwan-Tat, administrative assistant, Department of French Studies, Glendon College;
Barb Bauer, administrative assistant, Student Success Centre & Vice-Provost Students.
The Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award

Terry Wright
Terry Wright, manager, Facilities, Health and Safety, and Technical Services, AMPD.
This award is presented annually to a non-academic employee of York University who has made exemplary contributions to the operations of either of York’s campuses in terms of efficiency, cleanliness, safety, security and/or other campus or plant services.
Also nominated for this award:
Mario Lacasandile, operating engineer, Central Utilities Plant, Campus Services & Business Operations (CSB0);
Miguel Rivero, custodian day, Custodial Services, Facilities Services, CSBO;
Dorin Traistaru, control mechanic, Maintenance, Facilities Services, CSBO.
The Gary Brewer Emerging Leader Award

Greg Langstaff
Greg Langstaff, coordinator, YU START New Student Transition Program, Student Success Centre.
This award is presented annually to a non-academic employee of York University who has shown tremendous promise for assuming a leadership role at the University, is known for their innovative and meaningful contributions to the effectiveness of their unit and has significantly contributed to the University’s commitment to excellence. The award recognizes and encourages early-career professionals who have demonstrated significant promise of leadership in their career.
Also nominated for this award:
Anesa Albert, executive assistant, Office of the Dean and Associate Vice-President, Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS).
The Harriet Lewis Team Award for Service Excellence
Office of Institutional Planning & Analysis (OIPA)

The Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis Team
- Richard Smith, director, Institutional Research, Reporting and Analysis, OIPA;
- Mark Conrad, director, Institutional Enrolment and Research Planning, OIPA;
- Melissa Schiralli, administrative coordinator, OIPA;
- Sonia Pettinella, senior advisor, Policy and Process, OIPA;
- Sahar Sheikh, senior institutional analyst, OIPA
- Mira Miller, senior institutional analyst;
- Sylvia Lin, senior institutional analyst, OIPA;
- Aziz Quadri, senior SAS technical advisor, OIPA;
- Josephine Tang, SAS programmer, OIPA;
- Iris An, senior financial analyst, OIPA;
- Stephen Childs, senior institutional analyst, OIPA;
- Patrick Cernea, business intelligence strategist, OIPA;
- Howard Ye, research data analyst, OIPA/Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation.
This award recognizes a team’s excellence in service and support to students, faculty, staff and/or other service users and its promotion of the York spirit in terms of imagination, creativity, innovation and redefining the possible in service to York’s community (internal or external).
Also nominated for this award:
Faculty Executive Officer Group
- Diana Nuredini, executive officer, AMPD;
- Andrea Torre, executive officer, Faculty of Education;
- Paul Elliott, executive officer, FES;
- Patrick Banville, executive officer, Glendon College;
- Jodi Tavares, executive officer, FGS;
- Mary Verrilli, executive officer, Faculty of Health;
- Paul Battistuzzi, executive officer, Lassonde School of Engineering;
- Jennifer Ankrett, executive director, Strategy & Administration, LA&PS
- Phyllis Lepore-Babcock, executive officer, Osgoode Hall Law School;
- Magda Szaki, executive officer, Schulich School of Business;
- Helen McLellan, executive officer, Faculty of Science;
- Felim Greene, executive officer, School of Continuing Studies;
- Colette Leier, executive officer, Libraries;
- Mario Verrilli, executive director, Resources & Strategic Planning, Office of the Vice-Provost Students;
- Darus Suharto, senior finance & academic planning officer, Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic;
- Debbie Montanera-Bojda, senior human resources officer, Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic.
Department of Economics Team, (LA&PS)
- Mofith Ahmed, undergraduate program assistant;
- Magy Baket, undergraduate program advisor;
- Julie Davidson, program secretary/Technical;
- Carol Digby, undergraduate program secretary;
- Redzep Ferati, administrative secretary;
- Lisa Guidi, graduate program assistant;
- Regina Pinto, administrative assistant;
- Luisa Robinson, undergraduate program advisor;
- Roshan Singh, program secretary;
- Jillian Thomas, undergraduate program advisor.
Security Services, Community Safety (SSCS) in partnership with The School of Nursing
- Lonnie Ratchford, operations manager;
- Richard Evans, squad leader;
- James Gretton, property watch official;
- Ramone Itwaru, property watch official;
- Vince Dipinto, security official;
- Agatha Ashton-Monaghan, security official;
- Prashanna Kantharasa, frontline manager;
- Andrea Meghie, manager, Clinical Resources;
- Tanya Johnson, professor and clinical Instructor, CCD for Community Health and Nursing Services;
- Nancy Sangiuliano, associate director & associate professor;
- Monica Gola, sessional assistant professor, Teaching Stream.
Finance & Gift Processing Team, Division of Advancement
- Tina Dang, senior financial analyst;
- Sandy Simonetta, administrative assistant;
- Tuyen Ngo, financial and major gift processing analyst;
- Ivonne Kartarahardja, financial and major gift processing analyst;
- Christiana Labi, financial and major gift processing analyst;
- Winnie Wu, gift processing clerk;
- Barb Best, donations assistant.
Learning Skills Services Team
- Cathy Boyd-Withers, learning skills strategist, Student Success Strategies;
- Mona Frial-Brown, learning skills strategist, Student Success Strategies.
Kinesiology and Health Science Administrative Team
- Laura Austen, administrative assistant to the Chair;
- Marco Colavecchia, undergraduate laboratory technician;
- Lavina Sadhwani, administrative assistant;
- Stephanie Marston, graduate program assistant;
- Judy Peters, undergraduate and graduate program assistant;
- Megan O’Brien, undergraduate program secretary;
- Mary Saad, academic advisor;
- Frances Koulougliotis, undergraduate program assistant.
For more information on each of the awards and past recipients, please visit the President’s Staff Recognition Awards website.