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York University experts to lead discussion on vision, hearing and memory in aging

A discussion about vision, hearing and memory in aging will be led by experts in the field during an event hosted by York University's Centre for Aging Research & Education (YU-CARE).

"Aging in the City: Understanding Aging Vision, Hearing and Memory" takes place May 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. as part of the Aging in the City Speaker's Series. The event is free to attend.

Discussions will be led by researchers from York University, including:

  • "Seeing through Older Eyes" by Frances Wilkinson, professor in the Department of Psychology at York University and an active member of YU-CARE, the York Centre for Vision Research and Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA)  at York;
  • "Hearing Loss and Memory as We Age" by Iris Yusupov, who has a master’s degree in clinical psychology, is currently completing her PhD in clinical neuropsychology at York University and is a trainee with YU-CARE; and
  • "Reversing Age-Related Cognitive Decline with Neuroimaging, Neurostimulation, and Neurofeedback" by Dale Stevens, an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at York University, director of the York MRI Facility, a core member of the VISTA program, and director of the Cognition & Aging Neuroscience & Neurointervention Lab.

The event takes place at the Toronto Public Library – Toronto Reference Library (Beeton Hall, main floor), 789 Yonge St.

The York University Centre for Aging Research & Education is a Faculty of Health research unit at York University, bringing together scholars and trainees who research and teach about aging, making links from the cellular to the social.

Visit the event page for more information or to register.