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LA&PS course directors: Nominate your undergrads for the LA&PS Writing Prizes

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) Writing Prizes are open to all kinds of writing (except creative writing) from undergraduate students enrolled in LA&PS courses, including case studies, administrative/executive reports, reviews of all kinds, non-fiction prose and formal essays. There are five categories: first through fourth year and undergraduate thesis/major research project.

Any course director in LA&PS may nominate a paper (one per course) in the appropriate category. Submissions should be in Word format and include both a clean copy of the paper and a copy of the submission's associated assignment sheet.

Nominate your student’s paper using the year level of your course (not of your student). For example, a fourth-year student writing in WRIT 2004 would be nominated in the second-year category. Eligible papers will come from courses offered during the Summer 2018, Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 terms.

Entries will be accepted until June 7. Two honourable mentions and one winner will be chosen in each category and contacted by the Faculty in September. Information on submitting entries can be found online.

This competition is adjudicated by full-time faculty from the Writing Department. For more information, contact Jon Sufrin at or ext. 77473.