York University community members are invited to participate in an interactive forum to help create the next University Academic Plan (UAP), to be hosted by the Academic Policy, Planning & Research Committee (APPRC) of the Senate of York University. A Keele Campus forum will take place on Thursday, Nov. 7 from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. on the second floor of the New Student Centre. An upcoming Glendon Campus forum on the UAP will be hosted by Glendon Faculty Council (date to be determined).
The forum has been designed to be dynamic using a real-time audience polling and feedback technology. Organizers encourage participants to bring computers, tablets or phones, if possible, to facilitate participation. Participants will be asked to consider specific initiatives that should be pursued and how best to assess progress. We are interested in your feedback on topics such as:
- The most vital actions to be taken over the next five years that will advance excellence at York University?
- Areas where York University is uniquely positioned to make significant contributions to the public good?
Information on the UAP process, the options for engagement, and background documentation including "25+ Years of Achievement: A Retrospective," can be found on the Secretariat website.
Space is limited and attendees are asked to confirm attendance through an RSVP.
In addition to participation at the Open Forum there are many ways to contribute to the UAP process:
- Faculty Council discussions,
- By posting your thoughts on public bulletin boards located at Scott Library and Vari Hall,
- Through the feedback form on the UAP Renewal website
- By email to info.univsec@yorku.ca.
All community members are encouraged to participate in this important initiative in order to have a voice in shaping York University’s future.