York students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the University’s eighth annual Undergraduate Research Fair & Art Walk on Wednesday, March 4, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Scott Library Collaboratory (second floor) at the Keele Campus.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the eighth annual Undergraduate Research Fair planned for March 4 in the Scott Library Collaboratory at the Keele Campus
Jointly sponsored by York University Libraries and the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, this multidisciplinary event honours undergraduate student researchers and provides them with the opportunity to share their work by presenting an academic poster session. The juried Undergraduate Research Fair is an excellent opportunity for experiential learning. Students present their work in a friendly, cross-curricular environment. Students from both Keele and Glendon campuses and from multiple disciplines – social sciences, fine arts, humanities, health, sciences – will be at the fair and are eager to demonstrate their projects to the York community. Prizes will be awarded to select poster session presenters.

The 2019 Undergraduate Research Fair drew a large audience of students and faculty from across the York community, as well as friends and family of student presenters and artists
The Scott Library Art Walk exhibition opens along with the fair and showcases the work of student artists and designers. For the first time this year, a “best in show” prize will be awarded to one artwork submission. The selected art piece will also be reproduced on the cover of an upcoming issue of the e-journal Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research), associated with the Fair.
A musical performance by students from the Department of Music in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design takes place at 12:45 p.m. At 1 p.m., Dean of Libraries Joy Kirchner opens the welcome ceremony, York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton and Interim Vice-President of Research & Innovation Rui Wang will give brief welcome remarks. Administrators from several Faculties will take part in presenting awards to students.
The 2019 Undergraduate Research Fair drew a large audience of students and faculty from across the York community, as well as friends and family of student presenters and artists.
Everyone is invited to attend this year’s Undergraduate Research Fair and Art Walk and help celebrate York’s undergraduate student researchers and artists. A reception will follow the fair.
To learn more, visit http://researchfair.info.yorku.ca.