On Feb. 17, the next talk in the Scholars’ Hub speaker series will explore the topic of mathematics anxiety among students. Presented by Jude Kong, assistant professor in York University's Department of Mathematics & Statistics, “A family-oriented approach to teaching mathematics” takes place online from 12 to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Jude Kong
Despite the indispensability of mathematics, a substantial number of students suffer from mathematics anxiety. This makes it difficult for them to participate in math classes as they have the impression that they will embarrass themselves if they ask or attempt to answer a question. Taking place the same week as Family Day, this talk will discuss some of the reasons behind mathematics anxiety and suggest potential solutions.
Kong is a member of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling at York University. A firm believer in taking a ‘family first’ approach to teaching math, he seeks to alleviate the fears of many students who have math anxiety while teaching the first-year course Mathematics for Life and Social Sciences, a class designed to provide a comprehensive mathematical background for students in the biological and social sciences. He also brings his caring, approachable and positive teaching style to instructing students in Applied Linear Algebra, a first-year course geared to probable science and engineering majors.
The Scholars’ Hub events are held in partnership with Vaughan Public Libraries, Markham Public Library and Aurora Public Library, and are presented by York Alumni Engagement. Students, alumni and all members of the community are welcome to attend.
Register for this free event at: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IeU5FkvzQkqwe4lazVtEoA.