All York University faculty and staff who currently work with alumni, or who want to work more effectively with York’s alumni community, are invited to the virtual launch of the Alumni Engagement Community of Practice on Friday, July 9 from noon to 1 p.m. Bring your lunch and join a group of colleagues to discuss all things alumni related at this casual meet-and-greet event. Register here to attend.
The Alumni Engagement Community of Practice is a staff-led space for sharing, brainstorming and collaborating with colleagues across the University. This first meeting is for introductions and to determine how the group wants to work together going forward. For those who are unable to attend the meeting but want to be a part of the Alumni Engagement Community of Practice, register here to join the listserv.
For more information, contact any of the Alumni Engagement Community of Practice co-Chairs: Ellie Coult, Alumni Engagement Team, alumni engagement officer, at ecoult@yorku.ca; Jennifer Ferdinands, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, alumni and events officer, at jsferdin@yorku.ca; or Surina Sohal, Career and Education Development Centre, alumni and employer liaison, at surina@yorku.ca.