The Experiential Education (EE) Symposium committee is looking for enthusiastic students to share their #EEStory at the fourth annual Experiential Education Symposium taking place Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022.
The EE Symposium showcases experiential education at York University and celebrates the achievements of students and faculty who have participated in EE. Students interested in participating in the symposium will have an opportunity to create either a poster, video or podcast to showcase their experiential education adventure. Workshops and training materials will be provided to successful applicants, and a roadmap will be given for what to expect from the event.
Students who apply and are successful will automatically enter a draw to win a $100 YU-card. They will also gain valuable skills, including how to present in a professional setting, and can showcase their experience to the York community.
How faculty members can get involved:
• by referring students who have participated in an EE course to apply to the EE Symposium;
• by attending the EE Symposium on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022, and cheering on student presenters;
• by inviting other community partner connections to attend and see what York students are up to; and
• by attending the EE Symposium to learn how EE is supported across York University's Faculties and to witness inspiring approaches to EE.
For more information, including details about participant eligibility, application criteria and the program for the day, visit the EE Symposium website or send an email to eesteam@yorku.ca.