Though the year is quickly coming to a close, there is still time to join the hundreds of faculty, staff and retirees who have already made their 2021 donation. Thank you to all of you who have chosen to create positive change at York University this year.
Together, we are a community of changemakers who have adapted, innovated and persevered through the many challenges created by COVID-19. Our faculty, staff and students continue to pursue academic, research and professional excellence while always looking out for one another, our friends and families.
Advancement staff are preparing for a well-deserved break over the holidays. Our office will be closed from Friday, Dec. 24 to Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. While our office is closed, you can make your donation in two ways:
- By visiting our online donation page;
- By telephone at 416-650-8210
To ensure you receive a 2021 tax receipt for your donation, take note of the following requirements:
- Donations must be received on or before Dec. 31, 2021, with the cheque or credit card authorization dated Dec. 31, or earlier. This includes donations made online and by telephone.
- Mailed donations can be received in January 2022 but must have a valid postmark of Dec. 31, or earlier.
- Cheques must be made payable to York University.
Note to faculty and staff receiving donations in their departments:
Forward any gifts received in your departments to Advancement Services (located at the West Office Building on York’s Keele Campus) by noon on Thursday, Dec. 23 to ensure timely processing and receipting. If you are expecting a credit card donation over the closure period, please direct the donor to the online donation page.
To have a receipted for 2021, all cheques must be accompanied with the original envelope.
Thank you to all of you who have already chosen to create positive change at York University this year. Happy Holidays from the York University Division of Advancement.