The Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research invites the York University community to join the institute's ongoing discussion on critical social science perspectives in global health research during a special workshop, March 8 and 9.
This is an open call to York researchers to consider presenting at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research's third annual "Workshop on Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health Research." The deadline has been extended to Feb. 28.
The workshop will be presented online over two days. Participants will engage with the research community at York University from a variety of disciplines with a focus on creating new insights and fostering collaboration and research opportunities. While the definition of what constitutes critical research is quite broad, it usually involves the use of critical theory with social justice aims. Critical social science perspectives in global health are transdisciplinary, participatory, experimental or experiential analyses that seek greater effectiveness, equity, and excellence in global health. This means engaging directly with global public health actors, structures and systems to transform global public health while remaining committed to social science theory and methodology.
Who can present?
York faculty and researchers (with the support of a York faculty member) are invited to deliver presentations.
What is the format of the presentations?
Interested participants are asked to prepare a brief five-minute/two-slide presentation on any research project, current or planned, which takes a critical social science approach to global health.
Seed grants
Following the workshop, the Dahdaleh Institute will again announce a call for Critical Perspectives in Global Health Seed Grant applications and award five research seed grants of up to C$5,000 each. The seed grants will support critical global health research that contributes to the themes of the Dahdaleh Institute, which are planetary health, global health and humanitarianism, and global health foresighting. To learn more, see the research theme descriptions on the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research website.
Register here to attend the workshop. The deadline for registrations is Feb. 28. All are welcome.