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Students can connect with York International offerings at Global Learning Fair

Oct 26, 2022

York University students will have an opportunity to hear from the University’s partners around the world about internships, exchange programs, summer schools and more in other countries during a Global Learning Fair on Nov. 2.

The event runs in person from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Vair Hall, and will share information about programs available at York’s 300 global partners in more than 65 countries.

Students can learn how to travel abroad, earn credits towards their degree and build skills that build their resume. During the fair, students from abroad studying at York this semester, and students who have travelled abroad in the past, will share first-hand the value of participating in a global learning opportunity.

Speak directly with representatives from partner universities, campus partners who offer global learning programs, current exchange students at YorkU, and York’s global learning coordinators.

Those who can’t attend in person are invited to join the fair virtually on Nov. 8 and/or Nov. 10 to speak with representatives from York’s partner institutions to learn more about their universities, the programs they offer, and student life in their home country. Sign on for 10 minutes, or the whole two hour,s and move about the virtual platform connecting with as many representatives as desired.

Registration is required and can be done online.

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