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Students can create positive change at York through National Survey of Student Engagement

By Staff | Feb 17, 2023

First- and fourth-year students at York will have an opportunity to share their insights and drive positive change at the University through the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), which launches Feb. 27.

The survey takes place every three years across North America and is open to all undergraduate students in their first or graduating year of a four-year degree (except Bachelor of Education and Osgoode Hall Law School students).

Questions on the survey aim to measure how engaged students are in their post-secondary education in relation to experiences, programs, services and personal development.

It takes about 15 minutes to complete, and the results are used to inform strategic planning and evaluation of initiatives and work toward improving and enhancing supports for students. Those interested in participating will be asked to check for a personalized message in eClass from Nona Robinson, vice-provost, students, for the NSSE survey link.

“Student feedback is essential to planning good student supports, and we pledge to use the NSSE results to help us do so,” says Robinson. “By participating in NSSE, students actively support University planning and activities to help meet our commitment to creating a positive student experience on campus.”

York University first participated in 2014 with a 28 per cent response rate. Participation in the survey campaign measured 34 per cent in 2017 and 33 per cent in 2020. This year, the NSSE survey team at York is aiming for a 40 per cent participation rate. Faculty and staff can participate by acting as NSSE champions and encouraging students to participate.

To encourage participation, students who complete the survey will receive: a coupon added to their YU Card (redeemable for a Starbucks grande latte or a medium Tim Hortons coffee or a $5 gift card to participating York Lanes retailers or a $5 gift card to the York U Student Centre’s Breakroom); and an entry into a contest to win one of four tuition waivers valued at $500.

In addition to informing policy and highlighting areas for improvement at York, NSSE results also support institutional “quality” rankings, such as those published in MacLean’s magazine. NSSE publishes its own report each November, and also produces an institution-specific report with benchmark data from comparable institutions.

Results from this year’s survey will be shared with the York community in late 2023.

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