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SDGs-in-the-Classroom Curricular Innovation Hub to present at national conference

York University's SDGs-in-the-Classroom Curricular Innovation Hub will share its strategies for integrating United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into classroom curriculum development at Together|Ensemble, Canada’s national conference devoted to tracking progress on the SDGs.

Funded by the Government of Canada’s Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program, the online programming put together by the conference will run from June 7 to 9 and feature more than a dozen lectures, workshops and more.

The theme of Together|Ensemble this year – in keeping with its approach to addressing Canada’s toughest sustainable development challenges in collaboration with the private sector, academia, government and civil society – is a focus on accelerating Canada’s SDGs progress as Canada currently ranks 29th in the world on SDGs implementation.

Banner for 2023 Together|Ensemble conference

The presentation by SDGs-in-the-Classroom' Curricular Innovation Hub, at 10 a.m. on June 9, will provide an overview of how the program – supported by the Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) and overseen by Sandra (Skerratt) Peniston, an assistant professor of nursing – has enabled the pan-University interdisciplinary infusion of the SDGs into classrooms at York University through faculty engagement and support, as well as enabling innovative ways to include the SDGs in meaningful manners in their classrooms – including experiential education (EE) initiatives, e-learning strategies, and strengthening SDG-focused globally networked learning (GNL) projects.

Those interested in registering for SDGs-in-the-Classroom' Curricular Innovation Hub presentation, or the conference, can do so here.

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