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York University President & Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton addressed the September 28 Senate meeting to share York’s priorities for the 2023-24 year ahead, addressing the budgetary and enrolment challenges within the current, volatile post-secondary education sector. Read President Lenton’s full address here.
Auditor General’s Report
In Fall 2022, York University was selected among others by the Office of the Auditor General Ontario for a value-for-money audit of York’s 2022-23 operations to examine and ensure York’s fiscal sustainability. The president indicated that a draft report with recommendations will be shared by the Auditor General’s office expected in late October. The next phase of the audit involves tabling the report to the Ontario Legislature in late November or early December.
Fall Convocation
The president announced the honorary doctorate recipients who will have their degrees conferred at the 2023 Fall Convocation. Learn more about the recipients.
The University Academic Plan and Looking Ahead to 2023-24
At Senate, the president reviewed the University’s recent enrolment and budget performance, the factors that have accumulated to create additional pressures in the current three-year rolling budget, and the impact of anticipated deficits on the University’s performance against financial metrics set by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
“We are one of the fastest rising universities in Canada and we have accomplished a great deal,” said President Lenton. “Our goals are not for the benefit of any one faculty or campus. York is a multi-campus university and our success hinges on our ability to continue to work together to provide our students with the very best.”
Lenton identified the projects and initiatives for the year ahead that will play an important role in advancing the University’s academic plan and meeting York’s vision to provide a broad demographic of students with access to a high-quality education at a research-intensive university committed to the well-being of the communities we serve.