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York U in the news: French-language rights, future of health care and more

Will Canadian legal community step up for French-language rights?
An op-ed by York University Professor Agnès Whitfield was published in Law360 Canada Dec. 7.

'Future of health care': Southlake, York U partner to advance care
Rhonda Lenton, president and vice-chancellor of York University, was quoted on Dec. 11.

'Better care for generations': Newmarket's Southlake hospital and York University sign 'historic' agreement
Rhonda Lenton, president and vice-chancellor of York University, was quoted on Dec. 11.

Vezina: Some answers to readers' questions about what qualifies as an 'emergency'
An op-ed by York University instructor Alex Vezina was published in the Toronto Sun Dec. 11.

Canada has a secretive history of adoption, and some want it brought to light
York University PhD student Valerie Andrews was quoted in the Globe and Mail Dec. 10.

Special report: hospital cyberattack raises shared-service concerns
York University Associate Professor Zachary Spicer was quoted in the Windsor Star Dec. 12.

Toronto wants $2.7B from the federal government. Does Olivia Chow have a chance at getting it?
York University Professor Zac Spicer was quoted in CBC News Dec. 11.

Can animal minds explain human minds?
York University philosophy Professor Kristin Andrews was quoted in Evolution News Dec. 11.

Olivia Chow’s quest for federal funding in Toronto’s new financial deal
York University Associate Professor Zachary Spicer was mentioned in the Weekly Voice Dec. 11.

Dec 9: Dinosaur's last meal, robot wall builder, Canada goose family dynamics and more…
York University Professor Sarah Rugheimer was mentioned on Dec. 8.

Remember this: Issue of homelessness has evolved over the years
York University research assistant Emma Woolley was mentioned on Dec. 9.

Annette Bening recalls being told she was ‘too big and too loud’ early in her career
York University was mentioned in HuffPost Dec. 11.

Managing risk: Six tips for embracing neurodivergent candour
York University was mentioned in Forbes Dec. 11.

York in the Media
