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York U in the news: gender-affirming surgery funding, international students and more

Ontarian takes OHIP to court for gender-affirming surgery funding
York University Professor Kinnon MacKinnon was quoted in CTV News Toronto Feb. 16.

‘Have to be hard questions’: An education expert on Canada’s approach to international students
York University Professor Roopa Trilokekar was interviewed in TVO Today Feb. 16.

McMaster to offer solar glasses for April eclipse with ideal sight lines in Hamilton-Niagara area
York University Professor Elaina Hyde was quoted in Global News Feb. 16.

Five myths about love and desire
York University Professor Amy Muise was quoted in Nautilus Feb. 14.

Researchers have discovered a connection between loot boxes and gambling
York University PhD student Sophie Coelho was quoted on Feb. 16.

Great Lakes winter ice cover averaging only 5.9 per cent, NOAA says
York University Professor Sapna Sharma was quoted in People's World Feb. 16.

York in the Media
