Dear York community,
On behalf of the president of York University, we invite you to attend a virtual town hall on Monday, June 10, where we will share the multi-year budget approved by the Board of Governors. The town hall will focus on how we can all work together to advance York’s academic plan in a financially sustainable manner. Following the presentation, we invite your questions and comments.
Participants are required to register for the town hall in advance using their York U email (i.e. email addresses must end in @yorku.ca to be valid for registration).
Questions and comments can be submitted prior to and during the event by emailing conversations@yorku.ca. Learn more about the upcoming event on the Community Conversations website.
Date: Monday, June 10
Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Link to register: yorku.ca/go/june2024presidentialtownhall.
Rhonda Lenton
President & Vice-Chancellor