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York to launch new graduate verification process

By Staff | May 29, 2024

York University will be implementing a new process change for conducting verification checks of degrees and graduation status.

Beginning May 31, verification checks will be completed though a portal on MyCreds Verify, an online graduate verification service (GVS) that provides a secure way to confirm and verify whether a learner received a degree from York U.

The current process for degree verification requires a third-party user who is external to York University, such as an employer, to access YU Verify and search for a student by their name or student number. The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) currently oversees and assists with this process.

The new process will enable verifiers to access information directly through the GVS portal. It will also require a fee to be paid by the party requesting the verification. YU Verify will continue to be accessible internally for staff and students via Passport York, while external users will use the GVS to complete a graduate verification check.

“This updated process will align with both the University’s and industry best practices,” says Frankie Billingsley, interim deputy university registrar. “We are very pleased.”

For more information, York U staff and faculty are encouraged to visit the OUR’s degree verification web page. University community members who interact with employers or external verifiers can direct them there as well for instructions regarding the updated process.

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