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Progress towards a strong, stable future for York University

By Staff | Aug 28, 2024

Ratified agreements provide greater certainty for the York University community as Fall term commences.

As the University prepares to welcome students to York’s three main campuses for the Fall term, the University and the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) – the association representing full-time faculty members, librarians and archivists – have concluded negotiations and achieved a renewal collective agreement. This agreement with YUFA follows two other successful sets of negotiations this summer; one with CUPE 1356-2 resulting in a six-year renewal agreement; and another with the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 772, resulting in a three-year renewal agreement. These three unions represent valued employees who contribute meaningfully to students’ academic and campus experiences. As the Ontario post-secondary education sector continues to face significant and pressing challenges, the University is strengthened by this labour stability.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the bargaining teams representing our union partners and the University, for the work they put in over the summer to conclude negotiations and for their commitment to enriching the student learning environment and overall campus experience,” said Rhonda Lenton, president and vice-chancellor. “While we face serious short-term financial challenges as a result of the post-pandemic impact on international enrolment, in combination with unexpected provincial and federal higher education policy decisions, we have a solid plan that sets a course for York’s long-term success.”

Global shifts in student mobility, Ontario’s multi-year tuition freeze and the sudden cap on international student enrolment have hit many colleges and universities.  At York, projected shortfalls in international and domestic enrolment relative to targets for the Fall of 2024 have made it difficult to simultaneously manage wage increases including those arising from the Bill 124 moderation period wage re-openers, and other inflationary costs. To ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the University,  steps are being taken to align the cost structure with revenue by continuing to leverage opportunities for growth and efficiencies.

Transparency and collegial engagement will be key components as the University seeks consensus on the optimal utilization of resources in a rapidly changing sector that is seeing impacts affecting teaching, program demand, research and innovation.  The recently renewed collective agreements provide greater certainty for the York community and help to clarify the University’s financial picture, particularly considering the proportion of the University’s budget expended on salaries and benefits, and the flexibility available for addressing the changing landscape.  “While we did initially seek greater cost savings through the negotiations with YUFA, our primary focus has been on students and their experiences – and we know that labour stability helps all of us to move forward,” Lenton added. “It will be essential for us to focus our collective efforts on the remaining initiatives in the York U Forward Action Plan in order to maintain our positive trajectory in realizing the University Academic Plan (UAP) and achieve the Board-approved budget given the drop in enrolment and revenue.”

“The University continues to focus on creating an excellent learning environment for students that supports their academic aspirations as well as those of colleagues.  Despite the challenges we face, our commitment to providing exceptional, innovative and accessible education for the future is evident in everything we do, from new pedagogy and programs, the opening of the Markham Campus this fall, and progress towards a new School of Medicine slated to open in 2028.”

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