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Community Safety seeks input for renaming campaign

In an effort to better reflect York's evolving approach to campus safety, the University's Community Safety Department is launching an initiative to rename the York Security Services (YSS) unit and front-line job titles.

Once a new job title has been chosen, the Community Safety Department will then gather options for the unit name and have the community vote on that. This transformation represents a significant step in advancing the University's commitment to community-centred safety and inclusion.

Orville Wallace
Orville Wallace

"The renaming of York Security Services reflects our broader vision for campus safety – one that genuinely embraces the diverse experiences and needs of our entire community," says Orville Wallace, executive director of the Community Safety Department. "Our approach centres on building meaningful relationships, fostering trust and creating an environment where safety and well-being are achieved through genuine partnership with our community. This is about more than a name change, we are continuing to evolve our service to better reflect our values of inclusion, support and proactive engagement."

As part of this transformation, the Community Safety Department is seeking input from the York community through a naming campaign. Students, staff, faculty, instructors and other community members are invited to vote on name options that have been carefully selected to reflect the department's evolving mandate.

The proposed name for the front-line job titles aims to capture the department's dedication to fostering community engagement, building trust and promoting a holistic approach to well-being across York’s campuses. Importantly, these options emphasize the department's commitment to anti-racism and unbiased approaches to safety.

Results from the community voting campaign will be shared when the new name is unveiled in the spring. York community members are encouraged to participate in the vote.

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