2023 announcements published in the YFile email newsletter
December 2023
Dec. 10: Update on search for vice-president equity, people and culture
Dec. 6: Statement from President Rhonda Lenton in response to Ontario auditor general report
Dec. 1: Holiday closure information for the community
November 2023
Nov. 2: Safe and inclusive campuses for all
October 2023
Oct. 20: Community update: York’s response to three student unions’ harmful statement
Oct. 18: A community update: our shared responsibility
Oct. 14: A message for the York community
Oct. 13: A statement on behalf of York University
Oct. 10: Message to the community on the war in the Middle East
September 2023
Sept. 29: COVID-19 and respiratory viruses: what to know on campus
Sept. 20: Standing with our community
July 2023
July 5: York University’s new Employee Sexual Misconduct Policy
June 2023
June 1: York University in the top 40 globally in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
May 2023
May 16: Return of honorary doctorate bestowed to Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond
May 3: Join us for the historic installation of Kathleen Taylor as York's 14th Chancellor
April 2023
April 28: York University receives largest-ever research funding grant
February 2023
Feb. 15: York University transitioning to broader approach to public health management
January 2023
Jan. 10: Indoor masking, vaccination recommended to protect public health as Winter 2023 term begins
Jan. 23: Increase in campus safety measures