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Faculty of Graduate Studies

York University announces first-of-its-kind PhD program

To further establish itself as a leader in the rapidly growing field of disaster studies, York U is launching a Doctoral Program in Disaster & Emergency Management, with its first cohort of students to begin in September 2025.

Salar Pashtoonyar

Salar Pashtoonyar, an MFA student at York, wins a bronze at the 48th Student Academy Awards competition in the Narrative (International Film Schools) category

Dean’s letter: The Faculty of Graduate Studies is a Faculty like no other

In his introductory letter to this issue of ‘Innovatus,’ Faculty of Graduate Studies Dean Thomas Loebel writes about the Faculty’s diverse role as a hub, enabling program administrators, professors and students to share best practices and collaborate in developing the types of regulations and guidelines that promote, rather than stifle, new ideas.

‘Knowledge Now’ brings graduate research to life during pandemic

During the pandemic, a new initiative out of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at York University, “Knowledge Now,” brought graduate research to life online through a series of short videos about individual research produced by students, as well as two synchronous online panels that were recorded and made available online.

Research Associate Emma Sabzalieva earns award for thesis

The Eurasia Special Interest Group Dissertation Award aims to honour the best dissertation or thesis written by scholars working and studying in the Eurasia region. The evaluation criteria include originality of research, appropriate use of scholarly literature, and quality of writing.

From conversation to action: powerful collaboration yields impactful report

The Public Involvement in Planning: Engaging Black People and Power course, created and taught by Jay Pitter, an award-winning placemaker, author and urban lecturer, provided students with the opportunity to collaborate with Black urbanists to create a collective book of case studies, policy analysis and recommendations for how to engage Black people and power.

Grad students share challenges and successes of creation during the pandemic

Creative Shifts proved that creativity is alive and well at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD), despite the challenges of the pandemic. The November 2020 event brought together graduate students from across AMPD to share stories of transforming their research and creation projects in response to the COVID-19 restrictions.

York retirees raise funds for graduate student awards

In October, a group of retired York University employees will be participating in the Scotiabank Virtual Charity Challenge, to raise money for graduate student awards at York University. The team will be running in Toronto’s High Park on Oct. 6, come out and cheer them on as they take part in this worthy endeavour!

New set of courses creates space for Indigenous students to ‘Make Good Tracks’

Susan Dion, an associate professor of Indigenous education at York University, has brought her research and knowledge in Indigenous education to a set of Faculty of Education courses, cohorts and programs that are rooted in Indigenous knowledge and pedagogies. This unique set of opportunities offers Indigenous students four different ways to connect with Indigenous knowledge, history and culture.