margaret mercury's perfect days 

Harriet's alter ego margaret mercury and her many adventures



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Harriet's alter ego margaret mercury and her many adventures


Sunday, June 22, 2003

harriet's first trip to an amusement park. We went late -- 8ish and it was perfect weather. her first ride ever: the carousel. I choose a littel blue shark -- you sit in its mouth and go up and down. we were told she was too small and would have to sit in the stupid train (that doesn't go up and down) but i made a fuss and they let me spot her on the shark. she loved it! sadly, no pictures. we moved on to a ride where we sat in coconuts.. the coconuts went up and up and up until we wre in the tops of hte trees. After that jodi took Harriet on a swan ride across the little lake.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Margaret Mercury attended her first concert today -- watching her godfather drum with the great poopas... no, the mighty pom pom... at Harbourfront. He was great and Harriet danced throught he first bit and selpt right through the rest ;) then went to ribfest where she gnawed a bone! then tasted lemon water for the first time. Jodi put her finger in the lermondae and hled it to Harriet's lips and harriet nodded 'yes yes!' . all in all an excellent day. oh, also was able to be outdoors in a sundress and it was so hot Harriet kicked off her socks and shoes. Amazing!

Friday, June 13, 2003

sometimes i say 'mummy kisses harriet' and i kiss her. lately I've been saying 'and harriet kisses mummy' and i put my cheek near her lips and wait. and wait. today she went SMACK!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

went to celebrate bun's birthday by taking him for wings at Duff's. It was almost sunny and then -- rain, pouring. Harriet's first thunderstorm! We were a bit chilled and I had the weridest cold that lasted only as long as the dinner. After the pour down patio we went to get hot chocolate.

Saturday, June 07, 2003

she can do it!

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