H4Writer Download Web Page

This software was used for the experiment described in 1 Thumb, 4 Buttons, 20 Words Per Minute: Design and Evaluation of H4-Writer – the paper by myself, William Soukoreff, and Joanna Helga, published in the proceedings of UIST 2011.

The download is a zip file containing the Java source and class files, as well as the API, related text files, image files, etc. A good way to get started is to unzip all the files into a directory and then open H4Writer.html in a browser and read the API.

If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please let me know.

Good luck,

Scott MacKenzie (mack "at" cse.yorku.ca).

NOTE: For the latest updates to this software, please visit my Experiment Software download site (click here).