The Journals & Notebook of
 Nathan Bangs 1805-1806, 1817


Contents    Introduction    Maps    Images    Chronology    Bibliography    Archival Resources

Editorial Annotations

Joseph Sawyer, Thomas Madden, and Nathan Bangs had all worked along the Bay of Quinte circuit in 1803 when it numbered 520 Methodist members. Although membership had fallen slightly by 1805, Bangs would certainly have known most of the circuit’s Methodists to whom he here refers as “brethren.” Henry Ryan and the famous William Case were circuit riders on the Bay of Quinte circuit in 1805. It is worth noting that by 1806 the circuit reported an increase in membership of 146 for a total to 656 (Cornish 168). Although Carroll suggest that the credit is due primarily to the efforts of William Case, the Hay Bay camp meeting organized by Bangs in September 1805 doubtless played a key role in the increase.

It is unclear what Bangs was doing in the Niagara region during this time since that circuit was very far removed from Bangs's own charge in Oswegatchie. In 1805 the assigned circuit rider for Niagara was Gershom Pearce (assisted by  Andrew Prindel).

Finally, although Case's own reputation only grew with the passage of time, Ryan is remembered chiefly for the schism that resulted in a separate branch of Methodism whose adherents came to be called "Ryanites" before merging with the New Connexion Methodists after Ryan's death. See Ryerson's account in right-hand pane.


Monday 30th [Monday 29 July 1805]

Yesterday I arrived at the Bay of Quinte from the Niagara Circuit and felt my spirit much refreshed at meeting with my brethren in this place. I scarce ever met with so Joyful a meeting. They truly seemed as if they loved me in the bonds of the Gospel. May God remember them for good and spread his spirit over them by night and by day. I feel to devote my all to God in his Church. May the Lord keep me from dishonoring his cause for Christ's sake.

17 July 1805


8 August 1805

Primary Sources

John Carroll Case and His Cotemporaries Carroll on Case and Ryan as itinerants in 1805

John Carroll Case and His Cotemporaries Bishop Elijah Hedding on Henry Ryan's early ministry

Egerton Ryerson Methodism: Its Epochs and Characteristics Ryerson on Ryan's establishment of a separate church

David Smyth "Map of the Province of Upper Canada 1813" Detail showing region of Bay of Quinte circuit

David Smyth "Map of the Province of Upper Canada 1813" Detail showing region of Niagara circuit





Edited by Scott McLaren
Book History Practicum
University of Toronto