The Journals & Notebook of
 Nathan Bangs 1805-1806, 1817


Contents    Introduction    Maps    Images    Chronology    Bibliography    Archival Resources

Editorial Annotations

Matilda is 120km (74mi) east of Kingston along the St. Lawrence and was formed into a separate circuit in 1826 (Cornish 245). See link to map in right-hand pane.


Wednesday 24 [Wednesday 23 October 1805]

Last Saturday our Q.M. began at Matilda. In the evening at prayer-meeting we had a time of power, so that many professed to have their souls sanctified. Next morning in love-feast and at the sacrament we felt the mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God so that it was good for us to be there, blessed be God.

Yesterday I was called upon to preach the funeral of a young man who died very suddenly with the cholic. I felt freedom of speech and trust the discourse was delivered in the Spirit of God. Many hearts were tendered, if tears is a just-token of it. O that it may have a lasting effect upon them for their good. I believe the Lord has begun a good work in a very hardened place in this town where there has been preaching a good while. A few have got converted since last Sabbath. O Jesus rise on in the greatness of thy strength and subdue the nations to thyself. My soul increases in love to God and to my fellow man. Glory to Jesus my great high priest for his supporting Grace. I hope yet to praise him in Eternity for his unspeakable goodness towards me a Sinner. 

9 October 1805


7 November 1805

Primary Sources

David Smyth "Map of the Province of Upper Canada 1813" Detail showing Oswegatchie circuit with Matilda to the right of Edwardsburgh.



Cholic: Samuel Tissot in his work Advice to the People in General with regard to their Health (London, 1765) writes: "The Appellation of a Cholic is commonly given to all Pains of the Belly indiscriminately; [...] The most violent and dangerous kind of Cholic is that, which arises from an Inflammation of the Stomach, or of the Intestines [...] If the Disease is not removed or moderated, before the Pains rise to their utmost Height and Violence, [...] the Patient sinks into a low stupid Kind of Delirium, or Raving; his Strength entirely deserts him; the Face, Hands, Feet, and the whole Body, the Belly only excepted, become cold: the Surface of the Belly appears bluish; extreme weakness follows, and the Patient dies" (336-8).

Love-feasts: Periodic special events of worship at which bread and water were taken and were strictly reserved for members in good standing. Tickets provided by circuit riders were usually necessary for admission.

Q.M. [Quarterly meeting]: Every three months along every circuit a meeting was held for administrative and disciplinary purposes. Class leaders were often appointed to their roles by itinerants on these occasions.

Sacrament: A celebration (also called Eucharist, Communion, and the Lord's Supper), held by most Protestant groups at which bread and wine are taken by members and/or adherents as symbols of the body and blood of Christ (Mt 26.26; Mk 14.22 &c.). Among Methodists only ordained ministers (circuit riders, presiding elders and bishops) could preside over this celebration. Before the Christmas Conference of 1784 at which the Methodist Episcopal Church was established in America all Methodists were obliged to receive the Sacrament only from ordained Church of England clergymen.


Edited by Scott McLaren
Book History Practicum
University of Toronto