The Sociology Video Project

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Title: The F word

Rating: 2.5 out of 4

Reference: A presentation of TVOntario.
Mississauga: International Tele-Film, 1998.
30 minutes
Campus use only – deposit agreement
Call number: video 5044

Abstract: Women from a range of backgrounds explore concerns and controversies of feminism today: what feminism is, who is included in feminism, its history and its future, and why so many reject calling themselves feminists. A history of feminism is woven through the discussions. Comedian Diane Flacks ties the themes together with skits on feminism in the 1990s.

Library of Congress subjects:

Sociology subjects:
Feminisms & feminist analyses

Reviews and Numerical Ratings

2 Choppy. Comedy is a poor attempt to make the content less threatening. Message: “Even people we know are feminist.” Possible to work with if you interjected talk/lecture between sections. Beth Jackson & Lachlan Story

3 This video was great. I loved the interviews and dialogue with feminists and clips of conferences. The short historical overview was also very good. This would be good for an introduction to feminism. My two complaints are that it is very simple and only good for introduction and that there are theatrical monologues placed very poorly and with a laugh track in between sections that seem out of place and often painful to watch (they aren’t funny, but they are supposed to be, with the exception of the one where the actress is a man). Without the monologues my rating would be higher. Tara Franz

Please contact Kathy Bischoping ( if you’re interested in writing a third review of this video.


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