Pat Armstrong - CHSRF/CIHR Chair in Health Services and Nursing Research
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Chair: Women and Health Care Reform

research | linkage and exchange


The Women and Health Care Reform group came together in 1998 as a collaborative working group of the Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health (CEWH), the Canadian Women’s Health Network and Health Canada’s Women’s Health Bureau.  The group’s mandate is to coordinate research and knowledge exchange on women and health care reform issues with policy makers, researchers, health care providers and women in the community.  With funding from SSHRC, the group investigated how women define quality in health care; these definitions were used to develop quality indicators.  The group has produced a variety of research papers, occasional papers, popular pieces and books on a range of topic areas, such as ancillary health care work, home care, private health insurance, maternity care, timely access to care, gender and the mental health of women health care workers and emergency preparedness.  In early 2009, the group published a book on women and long-term care, entitled, A Place to Call Home, Long-Term Care in Canada.  More information about the group and their work is available at

Linkage and Exchange

The Women and Health Care Reform group crosses four Centres of Excellence for Women's Health: British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (BCCEWH); Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence (PWHCE); National Network on Environments and Women's Health (NNEWH); and Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, the group also has formal participation from the Canadian Women’s Health Network (CWHN) It thus provides a direct and continuing link between the Chair, the Health Canada partner and the centres.

Publications are available electronically through the
Page last updated: July 21, 2009