The Journals & Notebook of
 Nathan Bangs 1805-1806, 1817


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Bishop Elijah Hedding on Henry Ryan's early ministry
Carroll Case and His Cotemporaries 25

Hedding says of Ryan, "He was in that day a very pious man, a man of great love for the case of Christ, and great zeal in his work as a minister. A man who labored as if the judgement thunders were to follow each sermon. He was sometimes overbearing in the administration of the discipline; but, with this exception, he performed his duties in every part of his work as faithfully as any man I ever knew. He was very brotherly and kind to me—often speaking to me in a manner calculated to urge me on to diligence and fidelity in the great work. When we met in the place of intersection in the Circuit, he would salute me with his favourite exhortation, 'Drive on, brother! Drive on! Drive the devil out of the country! Drive him into the lake and drown him!'"

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Edited by Scott McLaren
Book History Practicum
University of Toronto