Publications from The Audette Lab

NCBI PubMed search for "G.F. Audette"

2011 - Present

  • Lento, C., Audette, G.F. & Wilson, D. Time-resolved electrospray mass spectrometry – a brief history.  Can. J. Chem. (2014). (Abstract)
  • Shala, A., Patel, K., Golemi-Kotra, D. & Audette, G.F. Expression, purification, crystallizatoin and preliminary X-ray analysis of the receiver domain of Staphylococcus aureus LytR protein. Acta Crystallog. F69, 1418-1421 (2013). (Abstract, PDF).
  • Dudzik, J., Chang, W.-C., Kannan, A.M., Filipek, A., Viswanathan, S., Li, P., Renugopalakrishnan & Audette, G.F. Cross-Linked Glucose Oxidase Clusters for Biofuel Cell Anode Catalysts. Biofabrication 5: 035009 (2013). (Abstract, PDF)
  • Petrov, A., Lombardo, S. & Audette, G.F. Fibril-Mediated Oligomerization of Pilin-derived Protein Nanotubes. J. Nanobiotechnol. 11:24 (2013) (Open Access) - Featured in BioMed Central's online magazine Biome.
  • Petrov, A. & Audette, G.F. Peptide & Protein Nanotubes for Bionanotechnology. WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol (2012). (Abstract, PDF)
  • A. Shala, M. Ferraro & G.F. Audette. Bacterial Secretion Systems: Nanomachines for Infection and Genetic Diversity, in R. Bawa, G.F. Audette & I. Rubenstein Eds. Clinical Nanomedicine: From Bench to Bedside, Pan Sanford Publishing, Singapore, pp. 1-22 (2012) (In Press)
  • Reinstein, O., Neves, M.D., Saad, M., Boodram, S., Lombardo, S., Beckham, S.A., Brouwer, J., Audette, G.F., Groves, P., Wilce, M.C.J. & Johnson, P.E. Engineering a Structure Switching Mechanism into a Steroid Binding Aptamer and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Ligand Binding Mechanism. Biocehmistry 50(43), 9368-9376. (2011) (Abstract, PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Lombardo, S., Dudzik, J., Arruda, T.M., Kolinski, M., Filipek, S., Mukerjee, S., Kannan, A.M., Thavasi, V., Ramakrishna, S., Chin, M., Somasundaran, P., Viswanathan, S., Keles, R.S, & Renugopalakrishnan, V. Protein hotspots at bio-nano interfaces. Materials Today 14(7-8), 360-365 (2011). (Abstract, PDF)

2006 - 2010

  • Lombardo, S., Zahedijasbi, S., Jeung, S.-K., Morin, S. & Audette, G.F. Initial Studies of Protein Nanotube Oligomerization from a Modified Gold Surface. J. Bionanosci. 3(1), 61-65 (2009). (Abstract, PDF)
  • Kannan, A.M., Renugopalakrishnan, V., Filipek, S., Li, P., Audette, G.F. & Munukutla, L. Bio-Batteries and Bio-Fuel Cells: Leveraging on Electronic Charge Transfer Proteins. J. Nanosci Nanotechnol. 9(3), 1665-1678 (2009). (Abstract,PDF)
  • V. Renugopalakrishnan, A.M. Kannan, T. Velmurugan, S. Ramakrishna, P. Li, A. Mershin, S. Filipek, E. Padros, A. Kumar, J. Dutta, A. Jaya, S. Srinivasan, L. Muukulta, K. Ilangovan, T. Lazarova & G.F. Audette. Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Applications - Biosolar and biofuel cells, Monograph series, American Scientific Publishers (2008)

  • Yu, B., Giltner, C., van Schaik, E.J., Bautista, D.L., Hodges, R.S., Audette, G.F., Li, D.Y. Irvin, R.T. A Novel Biometallic Interface: High Affinity Tip-Asscoiated Binding by Pilin-Derived Protein Nanotubes. J. Bionanosci., 1, 73-83 (2007).(Abstract, PDF)
  • Audette, G.F. & Hazes, B. Development of Protein Nanotubes from a Multi-Purpose Biological Structure. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 7, 2222-2229 (2007).(Abstract, PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Manchak, J., Beatty, P., Klimke, W.A. & Frost, L.S. Entry exclusion in F-like plasmids requires intact TraG in the donor that recognizes its cognate TraS in the recipient. Microbiology, 153, 442-451 (2007). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Ma, B., Audette, G.F., Lin, S., Palcic, M.M., Hazes, B. & Taylor, D.E. Purification, Kinetic Characterization and Mapping the Minimal Catalytic Domain and Key Polar Groups for Helicobater pylori alpha-1,3/4 Fucosyltransferases. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 6385-6394 (2006). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Giltner, C.L., van Schaik, E.J., Audette, G.F., Kao, D., Hodges, R.S., Hassett, D.J. & Irvin, R.T. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV Pilin Receptor Binding Domain Functions as an Adhesin to Both Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces. Mol. Microbiol. 59, 1083-1096 (2006). (Abstract; PDF)

2000 - 2005

  • Bacik, J.-P., Brigley, A.M., Channon, L.D., Audette, G.F. & Hazes, B. Purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of an ectromelia virus glutaredoxin. Acta Cryst F61, 550-552 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Osman, M.S., Silver, E.T., Varghese, J.C., Chang, C.S., Gong, D.-E., Audette, G.F., Hazes, B.H. & Kane, K.P. Epitope mapping of Ly-49G and G-like receptors: CK-1 antibody defines a polymorphic site of functional interaction with class I ligand. J. Leukoc. Biol. 77, 644-651 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
  • van Schaik, E.J., Giltner, C.L., Audette, G.F., Keizer, D.W., Bautista, D.L., Slupsky, C.M., Sykes, B.D. & Irvin, R.T. DNA-Binding: A Novel Function of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type IV Pili. J. Bacteriol. 187(4), 1455-1464 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Holland, S.J., Elton, T.S., Manchak, J., Hayakawa, K., Frost, L.S. & Hazes, B. Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of TraF, a component of the Escherichia coli type IV secretory system. Acta Cryst. D60, 2025-2027 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., van Schaik, E.J., Hazes, B. & Irvin, R.T. DNA-Binding Protein Nanotubes: Learning from Nature's Nanotech examples. Nano Letters. 4(10), 1897-1902 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Irvin, R.T. & Hazes, B. Crystallographic Analysis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K122-4 Monomeric Pilin Reveals a Conserved Receptor Binding Architecture. Biochemistry 43(36), 11427-11435 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Irvin, R.T. & Hazes, B. Purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K122-4 monomeric pilin. Acta Cryst. D59, 1665-1667 (2003). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Delbaere, L.T.J. & Xiang, J. Mapping Protein:Carbohydrate Interactions. Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci. 4(1), 11-20 (2003). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Olson, D.J.H., Ross, A.R.S, Quail, J.W. & Delbaere, L.T.J. Examination of the Structural Basis for O(H) Blood Group Specificity by Ulex europaeus Lectin I. Can. J. Chem. 80, 1010-1021 (2002). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Vandonselaar, M. & Delbaere, L.T.J. The 2.2 Å Resolution Structure of the O(H) Blood Group Specific Lectin I from Ulex europaeus. J. Mol. Biol. 304(3), 423-433 (2000). (Abstract; PDF)
  • Audette, G.F., Engelmann, R., Hengstenberg, W., Deutscher, J., Hayakawa, K., Quail, J.W. & Delbaere, L.T.J. The 1.9 Å Resolution Structure of Phospho-Serine 46 HPr from Enterococcus faecalis. J. Mol. Biol. 303(4), 545-553 (2000). (Abstract; PDF)