FSC Blog Support Site
FSC’s blog demo and support site


Links tool

Filed under: — admin @ 9:58 am

Add Link

  1. Log into the admin area by clicking on the Login link on your blog homepage.
  2. Type your login id and password. Click Login button.
  3. Click Links on the top menu and click Add Link tab.
  4. Enter the website address in URL field.
  5. Type the name of the link you are adding in Link Name field.
  6. If you want to organize links by different categories, choose an appropriate category for the link in drop down menu.
  7. (*Please refer to Link Categories section below for more details on how to create link categories.)
    Click Add Link.

Manage Links

Editing an exisiting link

  1. Log into the admin area by clicking on the Login link on your blog homepage.
  2. Type your login id and password. Click Login button.
  3. Click Links on the top menu. Make sure you are in the Manage Links area.
  4. Click Edit link to the right of an entry that you would like to edit. Edit a link page shows.
  5. Edit link information and click the appropriate Save Changes button when you are done.

Deleting an existing link

  1. Log into the admin area by clicking on the Login link on your blog homepage.
  2. Type your login id and password. Click Login button.
  3. Click Links on the top menu. Make sure you are in the Manage Links area.
  4. Click Delete link to the right of an entry that you would like to delete. A popup message shows.
  5. Click OK if you would like to delete the link, otherwise click Cancel.

Link Categories

Add a Link Category

  1. Log into the admin area by clicking on the Login link on your blog homepage.
  2. Type your login id and password. Click Login button.
  3. Click Links on the top menu and click Link Categories tab.
  4. Under Category Options, enter the name of the link category you would like to add.
  5. Click Add Category when you are done.

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