FSC Blog Support Site
FSC’s blog demo and support site


Upload tool

Filed under: — admin @ 9:22 am


Upload files and add them to your post or page

  1. Log into the admin area by clicking on the Login link on your blog homepage.
  2. Type your login id and password. Click Login button.
  3. Click Upload on the top menu.
  4. Click Browse to find the file that you would like to upload.
  5. Once you found the file in your local machine, click on the name of file and click Open.
    (*Please remove any special characters (i.e. spaces, commas) in the file name.
    You can replace those special characters with underscore_“.
    Ex. File Name: my file name.doc should be changed to my_file_name.doc or myfilename.doc
  6. Type a short description of the file that you are uploading.
  7. Click Upload File.

    Once your file is successfully uploaded, you will see a following message on your screen.

    File uploaded!
    Your file “name of your uploaded file” was uploaded succesfully!
    Here’s the code to display it:
    <  img src='http://www.yorku.ca/username/...../yourfilename' alt='short description' />

    Image Details:
    Name: your file name
    Size: your file size
    Type: your file type

  8. To add the file to your post or page, Please make sure to copy the following part of the message by highlighting the text.

    <  img src='http://www.yorku.ca/username/...../yourfilename' alt='short description' />

  9. Once text is highlighted, right click on your mouse and select Copy.
  10. Compose a post or page and paste the copied text into the content field.
    (Refer to Write tool post for detail information on how to create a post or page.)

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