Assignment 2: Simple Review

Please note that this “simple review” below does not include all the requirements outlined in the original guidelines that were previously distributed in class and are still available on this website. Once you’re familiar with the “simple review,” please review the detailed guidelines once again.

  • Read the guidelines for this assignment.

  • Select an artistic form the list provided.

  • Locate a basic definition of that artistic form so that you have some understanding of what it encompasses.

  • Prepare a preliminary bibliography of possible source material.

  • Review a range of source material from your preliminary bibliography (as well as any material you located after you submitted the bibliography), and then select three or four which represent different views of that artistic form.

  • Write an essay comparing and contrasting those views. Note: you are not setting out to prove something; your task is to listen to and interpret the voices.

  • Be sure to include your own response to those views.


  • This assignment does not ask you to compare and contrast works of art. While you may want to refer to specific artists and/or works of art, your primary task is to compare views on the artistic form you’ve selected.

  • Do not make up your own topic.