Reproductive Technologies


"Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child, nor think of murdering one before it's birth." ---Victoria Woodhull


The new development in Reproductive technologies has made women exposed to a gender bias, and removed the reproductive power of women (Diamond, 203).  As technology develops, the human race and its environment need a protector. Ecofeminists act to educate us against such things as reproductive technologies. Let us look at an ecofeminist perspective of reproductive technologies.  Products are being created not to encourage human pleasure, but instead its production is driven by capitalism. Women don't need reproductive technologies (Mies, 175).  There bodies have been producing babies to create humankind for generations. Reproductive technology is an exploitation of woman. With reproductive technologies, the natural woman's body has been reproduced into a mass production of baby machines. Instead of the rightful decider Mother Nature, reproductive technologies allow the sex of the baby to be determined by an engineer (Mies, 176). This is truly a degradation of the female body. Reproductive Technologies take the natural process of childbearing out of the womb, and produce a fetus that is congruent with the demands of capitalist society. Most often, this selection process is made by an engineer (a field dominated by men). Therefore, the males dominance over the natural process of the female, and the removal of the womb equates to the further oppression of the woman (Mies, 186).



Hello, my name is Sarah Potter, I am a third year Communication Studies and Sociology major at York University, Toronto.