#25 - 29

A kilo in decimal numbers is equal to 1000 or 103. The closest number using the 2x is 1024 and this is 210 which in computing terminology is 1024 bytes of storage, or 262,144 Byte or 1 K(or KB).

25. Therefore, a 256K machine would have ____ x ____ or 262,144 bytes of storage.

How many bytes are in the following numbers?

26. 512K

27. 640K

28. 720K

Using the same principle, a mega (or million) in decimal numbers is equal to 1,000,000 or 106. The nearest approximation for the power of 2 is 1,048,576 or 220.

29. Therefore, 1 _____ byte is equal to ______ bytes -- or roughly 1 million bytes.