
The place of the numerical digit has significance (value). The decimal or Base-10 system has units for a digit in 0 through to 9, which adds up to being 10 numbers. Therefore when you write a decimal number down it would be represented like this:

1310 (read 13 Base-10) is equal to one set of ten and 3 ones (1*10 + 3*1 = 13).


  • The subscript number shown above indicates the base value; this subscript may or may not be specifically indicated in the examples below; more typically, the question will indicate which base value is to be applied.
  • In deciphering any number, the right-most digit column or the "least significant digit" place value is the "unit" being counted or enumerated.  So, in the above case, because it is a natural number, the "unit" counted is 1s. Therefore, 13 represents 13 units of ones.

The Binary number system uses only the 0 and the 1, therefore each column can only be occupied by either 0 or 1. Applied to Base-2 or binary system then, when you write down the binary equivalent of decimal value such as 302 it would be according to the place values of binary system, e.g., 310 is equal to one 2 and one 1 (1*2+1*1=3). Use this method to write down the number below.

1.   30210 is _______________________________________________________________________________________.