• Writing a Philosophy of Teaching Statement

    Today I came across a website devoted to the topic of Writing a Philosophy of Teaching Statement. It is a creation of the Faculty and TA Development Program at the Ohio State University and is embedded in a broader set of materials about creating and maintaining a teaching portfolio. The site contains links to a variety of teaching philosophy statements and to a guide for preparing a teaching philosophy statement that suggests several alternative ways of approaching the task. Click on the links above to go to the website or to the embedded link.

    Discipline-specific articles on teaching
    Last week I mentioned that I would post a list of disciplinary-based journals that publish articles on university teaching. The list I was thinking of is on page 50 of an article by Maryellen Weimer, and you can reach it by clicking on the title in the reference below. The article is dated so if you find that a particular journal listed is no longer published, please let me know. I would also appreciate hearing of any other relevant journals with which you may be familiar.

    Weimer, M. (1993). The disciplinary journals on pedagogy. Change, 25(6), 44-51.

    1 Comment to “Writing a Philosophy of Teaching Statement”

    1. Ron - 3:20 pm on June 1st, 2008 - #

      Thanks to Irina for pointing out that the University of Hawaii’s Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center has posted a very comprehensive list of online resources related to the preparation of a teaching philosophy statement. You will find their ‘TiPPS for Philosophy of Teaching Statements’ here. She says that she found two items from their list particularly useful when drafting her own statement; these were:

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