Augmented Syntax Diagrams - Software available for free download

Copyright 2003-2015 James A. Mason

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last update 2015 Mar 30

You are free to download and use the tools and examples at this site, with appropriate acknowledgment of their origin, and for those licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, in compliance with the terms of that license.  The tools and examples are provided with no warranty expressed or implied.

This site now contains the latest versions of

as well as the utility programs

ASDEditor,ASDParser, ASDDecider, ASDCheck, and MergeGrammars are in each of the files asddigraphs.jar,, and asddigraphs.tar.gzASDTester, ASDDeciderTester, and DefinedUsed are in the files asdx.jar,, and asdx.tar.gzASDCount and ASDParseTest are classes defined in the Java default package; but ASDParseTest uses classes in the asddigraphs archive file.

To run the software you will need the Java Run-time Environment (JRE), which can be downloaded from Oracle's Java download site .  If you want to develop additional examples in Java that use the ASDParser, you will of course need the full Java development environment (Software Development Kit, or SDK), which can be downloaded from the same site.  You may also want to explore Oracle's main Java site .

Downloadable files containing ASD software and utilities other than examples:

See also the Examples link here or above for downloadable files that implement various examples of the use of Augmented Syntax Diagrams.