Category: Micro-mixing

97. Okhonin, V.; Petrov, A.P.; Krylova, S.M.; Krylov, S.N. Quantitative characterization of micromixing based on uniformity and overlap. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 11999-12002. (DOI)

90. Petrov, A.P.; Dodgson, B.J.; Cherney, L.T.; Krylov, S.N. Predictive measure of quality of micromixing. Chemical Communications 2011, 47, 7767-7769. (PDF file)

74. Krylova, S.M.; Okhonin, V.; Evenhuis, C.J.; Krylov, S.N. The Inject-Mix-React-Separate-and-Quantitate (IMReSQ) approach to studying reactions in capillaries. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2009, 28, 987-1010. (PDF file)

72. Krylova, S.M.; Okhonin, V.; Krylov, S.N. Transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles - a generic method for mixing reactants in capillary microreactor. Journal of Separation Science 2009, 32, 742-756. (PDF file)

69. Wong, E.; Okhonin, V.; Berezovski, M.V.; Nozaki, T.; Waldmann, H.; Alexandrov, K.; Krylov, S.N. "Inject-Mix-React-Separate-and-Quantitate" (IMReSQ) method for screening of eznyme inhibitors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 11862-11863. (PDF file)

68. Okhonin, V.; Wong, E.; Krylov, S.N. Mathematical model for mixing reactants in a capillary microreactor by transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles. Analytical Chemistry 2008, 80, 7482-7486. (PDF file)

61. Berezovski, M.V.; Mak, T.W.; Krylov, S.N. Cell lysis inside the capillary facilitated by transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles (TDLFP). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2007, 387, 91-96. (PDF file)

49. Okhonin, V.; Liu, X.; Krylov, S.N. Transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles to produce capillary nanoreactors. Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77, 5925-5929. (PDF file)