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Electrophoretic Assembly of Immunocomplexes for Higly-Sensitive Serological Lateral Flow Immunoassay .
106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2023.
Vasily Panferov.
Accuracy Assessment for Equilibrium Dissociation Constant Using a Single Binding Isotherm.
106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2023.
Tong Ye Wang.
Improving magnetophoresis for continuous biochemical separations .
106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2023.
Nikita Ivanov.
Direct Quantitative Analysis of Multiple microRNAs (DQAMmiR) with Peptide Nucleic Acid Hybridization Probes .
102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2019.
Liang Hu.
Determination of the Equilibrium Constant and Rate Constant of Protein–DNA Complex Dissociation under the Conditions of Ideal-Filter Capillary Electrophoresis .
102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2019.
An Le.
Empirical Model for Predicting Electrophoretic Mobility of Protein−Aptamer Complexes .
102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2019.
Stas Beloborodov.
Accurate Constant, Kd, via Transient Incomplete Separation (ACTIS) .
102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition June 2019.
Jean Luc Rukundo.
Free Flow Electrophoresis (FFE) in continuous flow organic synthesis .
QOMSBOC 2018, Quebec-Ontario Mini-Symposium for Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry November 2018.
Nikita Ivanov.
Self-optimizing platform for green chemistry synthesis.
100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2017.
Nikita Ivanov.
Non-Aqueous Free-Flow Electrophoresis Using Ionic Liquid Electrolyte.
100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2017.
Yimo Liu.
Accurate MicroRNA Analysis in Crude Cell Lysate by Capillary Electrophoresis-Based Hybridization Assay in Comparison with Quantitative Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction.
100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2017.
Liang Hu.
Predicting Electrophoretic Mobility of the Complex between Protein and DNA-Encoded Ligand in Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis.
32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, April 2016.
Jiayin Bao.
Comparison of DQAMmiR with qRT-PCR for microRNA quantification under various matrices.
32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, April 2016.
Liang Hu.
Simultaneous Determination of Kd and Protein Concentration.
32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, April 2016.
Mirzo Kanoatov.
The Study of Virus-Antibody Interaction by Capillary Electrophoresis (CE).
32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, April 2016.
Stanislav Beloborodov.
Non-Orthogonal Free Flow Electrophoresis.
32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, April 2016.
Sven Kochmann.
Steady-State Continuous-Flow Purification: Key to Small-Scale Chemical Manufacturing.
98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, June 2015.
Fletcher Agostino, Sven Kochmann.
Steady-State Continuous Purification by Free Flow Electrophoresis.
MicroScale Bioseparations, March 2013.
Fletcher Agostino.
Non-Uniform Electrophoretic Velocity of Homogeneous DNA in a Uniform Electric Field.
MicroScale Bioseparations, March 2013.
Mirzo Kanoatov.
Milli-free flow electrophoresis: I. Fast prototyping of mFFE devices.
57th ICASS International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, August 2011.
Fletcher Agostino.
Aptamer-facilitated Protein Isolation from Cells.
57th ICASS International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, August 2011.
Mirzo Kanoatov.
New tools for Biology and Medicine.
Canada Research Chairs - Thinking Ahead for a Strong Future conference series, November 2010.
Stephanie de Jong, Mirzo Kanoatov.