Selected Publications
Please note that these articles are provided for private study and/or research purposes only. In some cases, the page-proofs are provided. For large multi-author collaborations, please see the publication for full list of authors.

Block, K., Olsson M., van Grootel, S., Meeussen, L., Van Laar, C., Martiny, S., Schuster, C., Sun, M., Croft, A., […], Lapytskaia Aidy, C.*, […], Steele., J. R., […], & Schmader, T. (2025).
The Gender Gap in the Care Economy is Larger in Highly Developed Countries: Socio-Cultural Explanations for Paradoxical Findings. American Psychologist.

Schindler, S., Schuster, C., Olsson, M., Froehlich, L., Hübner, A.K., Block, K., Van Laar, C., Schmader, T., Meeussen, L., van Grottel, S., Croft, A., Sun, M. S., . […], Lapytskaia Aidy, C.*, […] Steele., J. R., […], & Martiny, S. E.(2024).
Policy as normative influence? British Journal of Social Psychology.

Roy, E., […] Steele, J.R., Sebastien, J.*, Sedgwick, J.*, […] Lai, C., & Axt, J.(2024).
A contest study to reduce attractiveness-based discrimination in social judgment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Saxler, F. M., Dorrough, A. R., Froehlich, L., Block, K., Croft, A., Meeuseen, L., Olsson, M. […], Lapytskaia Aidy, C., […] Steele., J. R., […], & Martiny, S. (2024).
Did descriptive and prescriptive norms about gender equality at home change during the COVID-19 pandemic? PSPB.

Olsson M., van Grootel, S., Block, K., Schuster, C., Meeussen, L., Van Laar, C., Schmader, T., Croft, A., Sun, M., […], Lapytskaia Aidy, C.*, […], Steele., J. R., […], & Martiny, S. (2023).
Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries. Political Psychology.

Cyr, E., Kroeper, K. M., Bergsieker, H. B., Dennehy, T. C., Logel, C., Steele, J.R.,[...], Zanna, M., Staub-French, S., Wells, M., Schmader, T., Wright, S. C., Spencer, S. J. (2023).
Girls are good at STEM: Opening minds and providing evidence reduces boys’ stereotyping of girls’ STEM ability. Child Development.

Gonzalez, A.M., Steele, J.R., Chan, E., Lim, S., & Baron, A.S. (2021).
Developmental differences in the malleability of implicit racial bias. Developmental Psychology, 57(1), 102-113.

Lapytskaia Aidy, C., Steele, J. R., Williams, A., Lipman, C., Wong, O., & Mastragostino, E. (2021).
Examining adolescent daughters’ and their parents’ academic-gender stereotypes: Predicting academic attitudes, ability, and STEM intentions. Journal of Adolescence, 93, 90-104.

Steele, J. R., George, M., Cease, M., Fabri, T.L., & Schlosser, J. (2018).
Not always Black and White: The effect of race and emotional expression on implicit attitudes. Social Cognition (Special Issue: Intersectional and Dynamic Social Categories in Social Cognition), 36(5), 534-558. https://doi:10.1521/soco.2018.36.5.534

Ng, A. H., Steele, J.R., Sasaki, J.Y., Sakamoto, Y., Williams, A. (2015).
Culture moderates the relationship between interdependence and face recognition. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 6, 1-7.

Régner, I., Steele, J. R., Ambady, N., Thinus-Blanc, C., & Huguet, P. (2014).
Our future scientists: A review of stereotype threat in young girls from early elementary school to middle school. International Review of Social Psychology [Special Issue: Stereotype threat in children], 27, 13-51.

Peach, J. M., Yoshida, E., Spencer, S. J., Zanna, M. P., & Steele, J. R.(2011).
Recognizing discrimination explicitly while denying it implicitly: Implicit social identity protection. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(2), 283-292.

Kawakami, K., Steele, J. R., Cifa, C., Phills, C. E., & Dovidio, J. F. (2008).
Approaching math increases Math = Me, Math = Pleasant, and perseverance at math in women. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(3), 818-825.

Steele, J.R., Reisz, L., Williams, A., & Kawakami, K.(2007).
Women in mathematics: Examining the hidden barriers that gender stereotypes can impose. In R. Burke & M. Mattis (Eds.), Women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Upping the numbers (pp.159-183). London: Edward Elgar.

Steele, J., Choi, Y. S., & Ambady, N.(2004).
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination: The effect of group based expectations on moral functioning. In T. A. Thorkildsen, J. Manning, & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Nurturing Morality (pp. 77-97). New York: Kluwer Academic.

Ambady, N., Paik, S. K., Steele, J., Owen-Smith, A., & Mitchell, J. P.(2004).
Deflecting negative self-relevant stereotype activation: The effects of individuation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40(3), 401-408.