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2015/07/08: A media blitz was arranged by Natasha Pinol (2nd from left), Science's senior communications officer, to publicize our paper on climate change impacts on bumble bees. From left to right, Jeremy Kerr, Natasha Pinol, Sheila Colla, Alana Pindar, Laurence Packer, Paul Galpern.
2014/11/24: Boss gives presentation on bees in London, Ontario, attended by ~300 people, in support of the municipal government's attempt to make London a pollinator friendly city.
2014/09/11: In a research article recently published in the journal Zootaxa, Sheila Dumesh described the world's 20 000th bee species as part of a revision (of the genus Mexalictus), including a total of 21 new species.
2014/08/20: A very busy day, Sophie Cardinal from the CNC visits, Margarita Miklasevskaja defends her honours thesis very successfully and we have another lab party in which only a single glass is broken.
2014/07/26: Alumnus Jason Gibbs and Lab member Sheila Dumesh publish a new species, named Lasioglossum hienae, named after another lab member Hien Ngo.
2014/07/25: Christo and Jean-Claude redecorate the lab in a manner aimed at preventing roof-leak-damage.
2014/07/17: Rocio Gonzalez-Vaquero's last day in the laboratory after 4 months of studying Corynura.
2014/07/12: Another lab. party; for a change, no furniture or drinks glasses were broken.
2014/07/10: Armando Ponte is one of two winners of the 2012-2013 AGSBS Dean's Honours Thesis Award "for an outstanding thesis report and oral defence." WELL DONE ARMANDO.
2014/07/08-11: Cory Sheffield visits from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, identifies lots of bees from various Canadian locations.
2014/06/17: Gibbs, Packer, Dumesh and Danforth publish a revision of the subgenera Evylaeus, Hemihalictus and Sphecodogastra of eastern North America.
2014/06/14: Visiting scientist Rocio Gonzalez-Vaquero publishes, with her supervisor Arturo Roig-Alsina, a revision of the halictine genus Caenohalictus from Patagonian Argentina, with the description of a new species.
2014/06/09: Boss takes a week off from the University and helps his oldest daughter (a biodiversity technician at Cape Breton Highlands National Park) purchase three piglets and build a 300m2 greenhouse.
2014/06/04: Scott MacIvor and honours thesis student Jennifer Cabral publish paper on host plant use by two species of Osmia - the native O. pumilla and the introduced O. caerulescens, in the GTA.
2014/05/21: Natalia Veiga successfully defends her Masters thesis. WELL DONE NATALIA.
2014/05/09: Spencer Monckton and James Postlethwaite return from an eventful field trip in Chile. Already at least two new species have been discovered among their samples.
![Laurence in a good mood [Laurence in a good mood]](/bugsrus/img_ui/PCYU_LaurenceP.jpg)
Ph.D. (Toronto)
Professor of Biology
416-736-2100 ext. 22663
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J1P3, Canada