Sample Mentor-Protégé Activities

Mentors and protégés can do a number of activities together. We hope the relationship is a two-way street.  Depending on the participants involved, the mentor or the protégé may initiate the activity. We encourage people to be creative and flexible! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

As a kickoff for the relationship, go for a coffee, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Discuss where you work, courses the student enjoys, areas of mutual interest, positions and work experiences. Discuss your views on how the partnership should work. Describe how you like to interact and any of your pet peeves. Jointly work on a mentoring plan. Set another date to get together.

Loan some HR materials to each other (e.g. reports, books, and articles) that have impressed you. Read and discuss them later.

Introduce your mentor or protégé to your colleagues. Point out specific ways in which your contacts can potentially help each other.

If possible, see each other in action allow the protégé to visit you at work or invite the mentor to one of your classes.  Later, discuss with each other what you the experience meant.

Go together to hear an effective HR speaker or presenter on a given topic of mutual interest.

Plan some learning activities together. Undertake research for classes, conferences, or other events that would help both of you.

Seek each other’s opinion on various problems, ideas, proposals and tasks to encourage learning, sharing of ideas and knowledge.


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