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2022 Holiday Celebration Blog Entries


by Chimdinma Ukabiala, 4th year KINE

My first year in university
My First Snow
My First Christmas in Canada
My First time celebrating Christmas away from family
The list goes on.....

This will be my 4th Christmas celebration and winter in Canada, yet I still remember my first like it was just yesterday.

I remember waking up to go for my exam and it was snowing. I was very excited to see the snow for the first time. I took pictures in the snow, sent them to my family and high school classmates in Nigeria, I told everyone I would build a snowman (Fact: I Never built one up till this day).

The year is coming to an end, and very soon it will be 2023, looking back I would say this year had its ups and down, but it was quite successful. i hope 2023 comes with exciting opportunities.

Two things I do to reduce stress during exams, especially during the winter are:
A. Getting enough sleep
B. Leaving home early to avoid the stress of traffic/lateness, especially if you have a long commute or take public transit.

Wish you all success in your exams and hope you all have a Peaceful and Joy-filled Christmas celebration.


The Colder Months

by Oluwatomi Olukoya, 3rd year Health Studies

The colder months can make one feel a little bit low in energy and lack motivation. That is why experts encourage us to get our daily dose of happy hormones by spending it doing fun activities. For me, completing my exams for the Fall 2022 semester was a happy moment. It meant I had about 2 weeks to relax, do some baking, cook some native foods, go on adventures, and get ready for the upcoming semester.

I planned to do things solo and in no specific order, but I felt elated when I received a surprise visit 3 days before Christmas from a friend who lives in a far city. I was able to take a trip to the Royal Ontario Museum, have a Christmas dinner, play laser tag, and spend time with loved ones. It was fun creating great memories with people I did not know I was going to meet. I will treasure these memories and use them as a personal reminder that it is okay to take breaks and enjoy them as I prepare for the upcoming semester. I hope everyone is having a great holiday and resumes feeling better than they left

2023 Goals

by a 4th Year BBA Schulich

I have been de-stressing through baking and art. I've tried all sorts of recipes and made many paintings on canvas!

Here is a list of my goals in 2023:

  • visit more family
  • travel somewhere
  • plan a family outing
  • see a new side of Canada
  • plan de-stressing dates with friends!

Winter in Canada

by Simarpreet Kaur, 2nd year PSYC

This is my second winter in Canada. I experienced my first snowfall last year and absolutely loved playing in the snow with my cousins. We went tobogganing and made snow angels. We even went ice skating at Gage Park. Regardless, I tend to get very homesick this time of the year. My mother used to make me the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had. When I was little, she’d pretend to be Santa Claus and bring me more presents than could ever fit in a sock.

In 2023, I would love to see the Northern Lights that are visible in some parts of Canada. I hope to get a chance to learn to ski.

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Memories

by Helen Acosta, 4th year KINE

I have so many holiday memories from past Christmas celebrations. My favourite memory is when I was 13 years old and all my family from around the world came to Canada to celebrate Christmas. I remember meeting many of my relatives for the first time, I was able to play with all my cousins and eat all the candy we wanted. At 12pm, we all gathered around the Christmas tree, we gave each other's gifts and we were all so happy. My favourite part of the night, was when we were all singing Christmas songs. It is certainly a Christmas I will never forget.

My hopes and goals for 2023:

- Start the year going to the gym
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Learn new techniques of self-care and self-love

To reduce my stress during exam season, I took breaks between my study time and I also allocated some time to do my Christmas shopping.

I hope this new year comes success, prosperity and happiness to everyone reading this.