Peer Tutoring for the Faculty of Health Students
- Free
- Drop-In, online, hybrid, in-person
- Location: Calumet College Room 127
- Offered for select courses in KINE, PSYC, GH, HLST, and NURS
- Peer Tutors are trained, upper year students, who have excelled in the courses offered
In the Fall/Winter, Peer tutoring is offered in collaboration with Calumet and Stong Colleges, the Kinesiology and Health Science Student Organization (KAHSSO), Undergraduate Psychology Student Association (UPSA), Global Health Student Association (GHSA), Student Association for Health Management, Policy and Informatics (SAHMPI) and Nursing Student Tutoring, Ambassadorship & Mentorship Programs (NSTAMP).
Zoom meeting information for Online Peer Tutoring sessions (Via ZOOM) is found below. If the Peer Tutor is not present at their scheduled shift, please visit the corresponding student organization's Instagram page (IG story: links below) for live updates to the schedule.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email our Student Success Coordinator at bayleyt@yorku.ca
For Zoom meeting information and passwords, please visit the UPSA Peer Tutoring website or click here. For more information about the Undergraduate Psychology Student Association’s (UPSA) Peer Tutoring program, visit the UPSA website.
UPSA Website: upsa.club.yorku.ca
UPSA Facebook: @upsayork
UPSA Instagram: @upsayorku
UPSA Email: upsa.tutors@gmail.com
UPSA offers Winter Peer Tutoring for the following courses:

For more information about the Kinesiology and Health Science Student Organization’s (KAHSSO) Peer Tutoring program, visit the KAHSSO website.
KAHSSO Website: kahsso.club.yorku.ca
KAHSSO Facebook: @kahsso
KAHSSO Instagram: @kahssoyu
KAHSSO Email: kahssopt@gmail.com
KAHSSO offers Winter Peer Tutoring for the following courses:

For more information about the Global Health Students’ Associations’ (GHSA) Peer Tutoring program, visit the GHSA Instagram page @ghsayu.
GHSA Instagram: @ghsayu
GHSA Facebook: @ghsayu
Email: york.ghsa@gmail.com
GHSA offers Fall Peer Tutoring for the following courses:

For more information about Nursing Student Tutoring, Ambassadorship, and Mentoring Program’s (NSTAMP) Peer Tutoring program, visit the NSTAMP Instagram page.
NSTAMP Website: https://nstamp.club.yorku.ca/
Instagram: @nstampyorku
NSTAMP Email: nstamp.yorku@gmail.com
NSTAMP offers Winter Peer Tutoring for the following courses:

For more information about the Student Association of Health Management, Policy and Informatics’ (SAHMPI) Peer Tutoring program, visit the SAHMPI Instagram page @sahmpi.yu.
SAHMPI’s Instagram: @sahmpi.yu
Email: sahmpitutoring@gmail.com
SAHMPI offers Winter Peer Tutoring for the following courses:

Curious about how other students found Peer Tutoring? Want to learn how to easily find Peer Tutoring schedules? Check out this video to learn more about how to access this FREE service and to hear testimonials from fellow students who received study tips, writing support, exam preparation help, and personalized learning strategies from our highly-skilled Peer Tutors.

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