Home » Courses Recognized by Canadian Studies Offered by Other Programs

Courses Recognized by Canadian Studies Offered by Other Programs

Courses are administered by the first department or program under which they are listed.

For descriptions, consult the program, which is teaching these courses.

Please note:  There may be other courses with sufficient Canadian content to count towards the degree, but which do not appear on this list.  Please consult the Coordinator of the Canadian Studies program for more information and permission to enroll.

GL/CDNS 2618 3.0 (EN) Visual Arts in the Twentieth Century in Canada
GL/CDNS 2618 3.0 (FR) Les arts visuels vingtième siècle au Canada
GL/DRST 2645 6.0 (FR) Par-delà le réalisme : l’art dramatique français au XXe siècle
GL/DRST 3633 3.0 (EN) Indigenous Drama and Theatre
GL/DRST 4621 3.0 (EN) Current Intercultural Performance Practices
GL/DRST 4621 6.0 (EN) Current Intercultural Performance Practices
GL/EN 1900 3.0 (EN) Reconciling Literature: Understanding Texts & Contexts
GL/EN 3940 3.0 (EN) Canadian Literatures before World War I
GL/EN 3942 3.0 (EN) Contemporary Canadian Literatures
GL/EN 3950 6.0 (EN) English-Speaking Theatre in Canada
GL/EN 4232 3.0 (EN) Canadian Writers’ ‘Take’ on the World
GL/EN 4609 3.0 (EN) Advanced Phonetics and Phonology
GL/EN 4610 3.0 (EN) Studies in Canadian English
GL/EN 4620 3.0 (EN) Contemporary Women Playwrights
GL/EN 4620 6.0 (EN) Contemporary Women Playwrights
GL/EN 4642 3.0 (EN) Canadian Literature and the Great War
GL/EN 4642 6.0 (EN) Canadian Literature and the Great War
GL/EN 4645 3.0 (EN) Canadian Drama on the Margins
GL/FRAN 3340 3.0 (FR) Roman québécois contemporain
GL/FRAN 3640 3.0 (EN) Littérature canadienne-française d’avant 1960
GL/FRAN 3660 3.0 (FR) Littérature québécoise depuis 1960
GL/FRAN 4531 3.0 (FR) Du surréalisme français à l’Automatisme québécois
GL/FRAN 4625 3.0 (FR) Littérature franco-ontarienne
GL/FRAN 4657 3.0 (FR) La Sociolinguistique et les réalités de la francophonie
GL/GWST 2503 6.0 (FR) Femmes francophones au Canada
GL/HUMA 3674 3.0 (FR) Cultures québécoise et franco-ontarienne
GL/HUMA 3885 3.0 (EN) Utopias and Dystopias: Old Worlds and New
GL/HUMA 3910 3.0 (FR) Cinéma Québécois
GL/LIN 2636 3.0 (EN) Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) Language & Culture I
GL/LIN 2638 3.0 (EN) Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) Language & Culture II
GL/LIN 3616 3.0 (EN) Case Studies in Canada’s Aboriginal Languages
GL/SOCI 3942 6.0 (FR) Sociologie de la culture et de la connaissance
GL/SOSC 3646 3.0 (EN) English-Canadian Film
GL/SOSC 3670 6.0 (FR) Le multiculturalisme et l’ethnicité au Canada

GL/CDNS 2930 3.0 (EN) Regionalism, Culture and Identity in Canada
GL/CDNS 2930 3.0 (FR) Régionalisme, culture et identité au Canada
GL/CDNS 3663 3.0 (EN) Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Canada
GL/GWST 3514 6.0 (FR) Genre et immigration au Canada
GL/GWST 3534 3.0 (EN) Black Women in Canada : Historical-Contemporary Perspectives
GL/GWST 4503 3.0 (EN) Politics of the Canadian Women’s Movement
GL/GWST 4512 6.0 (EN) Gender and the Law in an International Perspective
GL/HIST 2670 6.0 (EN) Canadian History Since 1663
GL/HIST 2670 6.0 (FR) Histoire du Canada
GL/HIST 3205 6.0 (FR) L’école, la communauté et la nation au Canada
GL/HIST 3210 6.0 (EN) Ontario, 1784-1970
GL/HIST 3215 3.0 (EN) The Canadian West and North: From the Period of the Fur Trade until 1921
GL/HIST 3242 3.0 (FR) Mémoire et histoire publique: l’utilisation du passé au Canada
GL/HIST 3310 3.0 (FR) Francophonies d’Amérique de 1604 à 1867
GL/HIST 3315 3.0 (FR) Francophonies d’Amérique de 1867 à nos jours
GL/HIST 3325 3.0 (EN) Atlantic Provinces
GL/HIST 3348 3.0 (EN) The Immigrant Experience in Canada after 1920
GL/HIST 3632 6.0 (EN) History of Northern Canada: A Circumpolar World
GL/HIST 3635 6.0 (FR) Les relations canado-américaines du 17e siècle à nos jours
GL/HIST 3655 3.0 (EN) Churches to Condos: Settlement, Space, and Spirituality in Twentieth-Century Canada
GL/HIST 3655 3.0 (FR) Quand les églises deviennent des condos
GL/HIST 3696 6.0 (EN) History of Women in Canada
GL/HIST 3696 6.0 (FR) Histoire des femmes au Canada
GL/HIST 4210 3.0 (EN) Canada from the Great Depression to Pierre Trudeau, 1929-1980
GL/HIST 4310 6.0 (FR) Histoire vivante : créer l’histoire publique du grand Toronto
GL/POLS 2500 6.0 (FR) Introduction à l’administration et politiques publiques
GL/POLS 2600 6.0 (EN) Introduction to Canadian Politics
GL/POLS 2600 6.0 (FR) Introduction à la politique du Canada
GL/POLS 3135 3.0 (EN) Public Law I: The Constitution and the Courts in Canada
GL/POLS 3136 3.0 (EN) Public Law II: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Limits of Public Administration
GL/POLA 3212 3.0 (FR) Les relations intergouvernementales au Canada
GL/POLS 3240 3.0 (EN) Canada Public Policy
GL/POLS 3360 6.0 (BI) Politics in Quebec / La politique du Québec
GL/POLS 3550 3.0 (EN) Politics and Place : Structure of Local Government
GL/POLS 4280 6.0 (EN) Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy
GL/POLS 4681 3.0 (FR) Politique et gestion de la diversité
GL/SOCI 2630 3.0 (EN) Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
GL/SOCI 2630 6.0 (FR) Peuples autochtones au Canada
GL/SOCI 3217 6.0 (EN) Crime and Society
GL/SOCI 3680 3.0 (EN) Logic of Social Inquiry: Qualitative Methods
GL/SOCI 3680 3.0 (FR) La logique de l’enquête: méthodes qualitatives
GL/SOCI 3690 3.0 (EN) The Logic of Social Inquiry : Quantitative Methods (Data Collection and Analysis)
GL/SOCI 3690 3.0 (FR) La logique de l’enquête : méthodes quantitatives
GL/SOSC 2612 3.0 (EN) Sport in Canadian Society

GL/BUEC 1010 3.0 (EN) Business in the Canadian Context
GL/ECON 1680 6.0 (EN) Modern Economic History: A Canadian Perspective
GL/ECON 3370 3.0 (EN) Industrial Organization I
GL/ECON 3370 3.0 (FR) Organisation industrielle I
GL/ECON 3380 3.0 (EN) The Economics of Canadian Financial Institutions
GL/ECON 3390 3.0 (EN) Monetary Theory and Policy Canadian Context
GL/ECON 4310 3.0 (EN) Corporate Finance I
GL/ECON 4310 3.0 (FR) Gestion financière des sociétés I
GL/ECON 4570 3.0 (EN) Economics of the Public Sector : Taxation
GL/HIST 4220 6.0 (EN) Canadian Labour and Immigration HistoryGL/HIST 4618 3.0 (EN) Canadian Environmental History
GL/NATS 3720 6.0 (EN) Environmental Problems
GL/NATS 3720 6.0 (FR) Problèmes environnementaux
GL/SOCI 3980 6.0 (EN) The Sociology of Environmental Issues
GL/SOSC 2617 3.0 (EN) Geography of Canada
GL/SOSC 2617 6.0 (EN) Geography of Canada
GL/SOSC 2617 3.0 (FR) Géographie du Canada