Last update: 2/5/2024
This is the web site for the above-noted CHI course.Schedule
This is a two-unit in-person course, tentatively scheduled as follows:
Date: Wednesday, May 15
Time: Morning (2 units)
Room: 323BCourse Survey
Please take a moment to complete the course survey. Here's the link:
Here are some downloads of interest:
- Course Description → the original course description as submitted in the "call for courses"
- Course Slides → the course PPT slides (will be updated slightly as the course approaches)
The downloads below will be posted after the course. These relate to the in-person user study conducted during the course.
- Experiment results → Excel spreadsheet with data, etc., from the in-class experiment
- EntrySpeed.txt → text file with data for the ANOVA for in-class experiment
- Handout → MS/Word file with procedure for in-class experiment
- GoStats → web site to download GoStats; see "Quick Start"
- EntrySpeedAnova.R → R script to do the ANOVA (same as GoStats)
If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch.Scott MacKenzie
email →
home page →
course text →